Gill Holland

Spirit Award nominee for Producer of the Year, Gill Holland has worked on over 120 films, including producing MGM’s “HURRICANE STREETS”, the first film ever to win three prizes at Sundance. Other Sundance faves include FLOW: For Love of Water, SPRING FORWARD, LOGGERHEADS, IT FELT LIKE LOVE and LOOK AND SEE: A Portrait of Wendell Berry. He worked on SXSW-winners MAIDENTRIP and MOST BEAUTIFUL ISLAND, and HBO’s Emmy-nominated DEAR JESSE. Other notables include Spirit Award winner SWEETLAND, AN HONEST LIAR, THE UNKNOWN COUNTRY and Sean Baker’s Fox sit-com GREG THE BUNNY. He also runs sonaBLAST! Records, a music label and publisher on its 150th release with musical acts including Ben Sollee, GRLwood and Jack Harlow. He is deeply involved in Louisville, KY’s civic, political, and cultural life and opened the Harlan Country Beer Company last fall.